Class WatchDog

  extended byjava.lang.Thread
      extended byorg.sadun.util.watchdog.WatchDog
All Implemented Interfaces:
java.lang.Runnable, Terminable

public abstract class WatchDog
extends java.lang.Thread
implements Terminable

A WatchDog thread, which periodically executes some checking action.

The thread is a daemon, therefore will exit when there are no more non-daemon threads running.

Event listeners (implementing the WatchDog.Listenerinterface can be registered and will be notfied of failures or the impossibility to execute a check.

The check is executed synchronously, so if one listener blocks, the others will be blocked as well.

The default check period is set to 5 minutes. The property org.sadun.pool.connection.watchdog.sleeptime can be set to a numeric (long) value to change this.

Synchronous vs. Asynchronous mode

Version 1.0 notified all the listeners synchronously, that is, the method calls of the WatchDog.Listenerinterface happened in the same thread as the thread running WatchDog itself. This implied that if a listener performed a heavy operation or crashed, the following listeners and the watchdog itself where blocked.

Version 1.1 is retrofitted with an aysnchronous listening mode (optional) to allow for complex or unreliable listeners. No changes are required to external code.

The default mode is still synchronous, so existing code behaviour is unchanged. To change the synchronicity mode, either use the new constructoror invoke setSynchronous(boolean)before starting the watchdog.

If the asynchronous mode is selected at construction, listeners notifications will be decoupled from the WatchDog thread itself. Therefore, if a listener blocks, the watchdog thread will not block (see Aysnchronous listening framework for further information).

Asynchronous mode uses more system resources.

Cristiano Sadun

Nested Class Summary
static class WatchDog.BaseListener
          A base implementation of WatchDog.Listener which invokes checkFailed() also when a check is impossible.
static interface WatchDog.Listener
          The event listening interface for WatchDogevents.
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class java.lang.Thread
Constructor Summary
protected WatchDog()
          Create a watchdog with the default check period time.
protected WatchDog(java.lang.String name)
          Create a watchdog with the default check period time.
protected WatchDog(java.lang.String name, long checkPeriodTime)
          Create a watchdog with the given check period, in milliseconds.
protected WatchDog(java.lang.String name, long checkPeriodTime, boolean synchronous)
          Create a watchdog with the given check period, in milliseconds.
Method Summary
 void addListener(WatchDog.Listener l)
          Add a watchdog listener to the listener set.
 void dispose()
          Disposes of any resource allocated by the watchdog.
protected abstract  java.lang.Throwable doCheck(java.lang.Object obj)
          Perform the required check.
 void finalize()
          The class finalizer.
 long getCheckPeriodTime()
          Return the amount of time the watchdog waits between each check.
protected  java.lang.Object getObjectToCheck()
          This method can be implemented by subclasses if the checking action implies one or more objects.
 boolean isRemoveFailedListeners()
          Return true if listeners that fail are removed from the listener set (in synchronous mode).
 boolean isShuttingDown()
          See org.sadun.util.Terminable.isShuttingDown().
 boolean isStartBySleeping()
          Return true if the watchdog goes immediatly to sleep on startup
 boolean isSynchronous()
          Return the synchronicity mode (see class comment).
 void removeListener(WatchDog.Listener l)
          Remove a watchdog listener from the listeners set.
 void removeaAllListeners()
 void run()
          Run the watching loop, until the thread is either shut downor the last running thread.
 void setCheckPeriodTime(long checkPeriodTime)
          Set the amount of time the watchdog waits between each check.
 void setRemoveFailedListeners(boolean removeFailedListeners)
          Set wether or not listeners that fail are removed from the listener set (in synchronous mode).
 void setStartBySleeping(boolean startBySleeping)
 void setSynchronous(boolean v)
          Set the synchronicity mode (see class comment).
 void shutdown()
          Shut down the watchdog thread.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Thread
activeCount, checkAccess, countStackFrames, currentThread, destroy, dumpStack, enumerate, getContextClassLoader, getName, getPriority, getThreadGroup, holdsLock, interrupt, interrupted, isAlive, isDaemon, isInterrupted, join, join, join, resume, setContextClassLoader, setDaemon, setName, setPriority, sleep, sleep, start, stop, stop, suspend, toString, yield
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final long DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIME
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


protected WatchDog(java.lang.String name,
                   long checkPeriodTime)
Create a watchdog with the given check period, in milliseconds.

The watchdog is created in synchronus mode - i.e. a blocking listener will block the WatchDog thread itself.

name - the name of the WatchDog thread
checkPeriodTime - the amount of time the watchdog waits between each check.


protected WatchDog(java.lang.String name,
                   long checkPeriodTime,
                   boolean synchronous)
Create a watchdog with the given check period, in milliseconds.

The watchdog can be created in either synchronous or asynchronous mode.

In the former case, listeners are invoked in the WatchDog thread - and if they block, the WatchDog thread will block; in the latter case, listeners execution is decoupled from the WatchDog thread.

Asynchronous mode requires is heavier and requires more resources.

name - the name of the WatchDog thread
checkPeriodTime - the amount of time the watchdog waits between each check.
synchronous - if true, synchronous mode is selected, else asynchronous.


protected WatchDog(java.lang.String name)
Create a watchdog with the default check period time.


protected WatchDog()
Create a watchdog with the default check period time.

Method Detail


public void run()
Run the watching loop, until the thread is either shut downor the last running thread.

Specified by:
run in interface java.lang.Runnable


protected java.lang.Object getObjectToCheck()
This method can be implemented by subclasses if the checking action implies one or more objects. The default implemntation returns null .

the object subject to the checking action.


protected abstract java.lang.Throwable doCheck(java.lang.Object obj)
                                        throws WatchDogException
Perform the required check. This method must return a Throwable object if the check fails, and raise a WatchDogExceptionif the check proves impossible.

In either case, the currently registered listeners will be notified of the failure.

obj - the object subject to the check, or null if the check does not depend on any specific object.
a Throwable object, if the check fails
WatchDogException - if the check is impossible


public boolean isShuttingDown()
See org.sadun.util.Terminable.isShuttingDown().

Specified by:
isShuttingDown in interface Terminable
true if a shutdown has been requested
See Also:


public void shutdown()
Shut down the watchdog thread. See org.sadun.util.Terminable.shutdown().

Specified by:
shutdown in interface Terminable
See Also:


public void addListener(WatchDog.Listener l)
Add a watchdog listener to the listener set.

l - the listener to add


public void removeListener(WatchDog.Listener l)
Remove a watchdog listener from the listeners set.

l - the listener to remove


public void removeaAllListeners()


public long getCheckPeriodTime()
Return the amount of time the watchdog waits between each check.

the amount of time the watchdog waits between each check.


public void setCheckPeriodTime(long checkPeriodTime)
Set the amount of time the watchdog waits between each check.

checkPeriodTime - the amount of time the watchdog waits between each check.


public boolean isSynchronous()
Return the synchronicity mode (see class comment).

the synchronicity mode (see class comment).


public void setSynchronous(boolean v)
Set the synchronicity mode (see class comment).

v - if true, the mode is "synchronous" (see class comment).


public boolean isStartBySleeping()
Return true if the watchdog goes immediatly to sleep on startup

true if the watchdog goes immediatly to sleep on startup


public void setStartBySleeping(boolean startBySleeping)
startBySleeping - The startBySleeping to set.


public boolean isRemoveFailedListeners()
Return true if listeners that fail are removed from the listener set (in synchronous mode).

true if listeners that fail are removed from the listener set (in synchronous mode).


public void setRemoveFailedListeners(boolean removeFailedListeners)
Set wether or not listeners that fail are removed from the listener set (in synchronous mode).

removeFailedListeners - if true, listeners that fail are removed from the listener set (in synchronous mode).


public void dispose()
Disposes of any resource allocated by the watchdog. This implementation does not do anything.


public void finalize()
The class finalizer. This implementation invokes dispose().