Interface Summary | |
Broadcaster | A general interface for mechanisms that can broadcast messages to a given context (for example, across multiple threads, processes, hosts, networks, etc). |
ClassPackageExplorer | Classes implementing this interface can explore the classpath, retrieving the contents of Java packages and enumerate the classes therein. |
CommandRunner.Listener | Classes implementing this interface may receive
CommandRunner events. |
EnvironmentVariables.Generator | A class implementing this interface is able to retrieve environment information in some way. |
EnvironmentVariables.NameTransformer | Classes implementing this interface can transform environment names in a "canonical" form |
ForEach.Filter | Users can implement this interface (anonymously or via a named class) to apply the action only to a subset of the objects in the collection. |
IdIterator | |
LineSet.Filter | A Filter for matching certain lines in the set. |
ObjectWithId | Objects implementing this interface have a string identifier. |
ObjectWithIdMetadata | |
PrefixProvider | Classes implementing this interface can provide a prefix for a PrefixPrintWriter object. |
SequentialUniqueIdGenerator.IdStorage | Classes implementing this interface allow access to a shared storage of
ids to use with a SequentialUniqueIdGenerator .
Setup | Instances of this class can setup existing objects |
SimpleClassPackageExplorer.PackageExplorationListener | Classes implementing this interface receive notifications of the explorer's activity. |
TelnetInputStream.TelnetCommandListener | A listener to Telnet commands. |
TelnetInputStreamConsumer.Criterium | A criterium for evaluating input from a TelnetInputStream . |
Terminable | This interface extends the standard Runnable by providing methods to gracefully shut down a Thread. |
Version | A generic interface to a version object. |
Wrapper | An interface indicating that an object is wrapping another one
(see also ObjectWrapperGenerator ). |
Class Summary | |
AutoClassLoader | A ClassLoader implementation which looks up the JARs in classpath and loads them individually, without the need of specifying one by one. |
AutoCRWriter | A class that automatically intercepts and prints line separators without explicitly needing for println() to be called (behaves as PrintStream rather than PrintWriter. |
AxisObjectSerializer | This class serializes an AXIS object into an XML byte array. |
BaseObjectWithId | A base implementation of ObjectWithId .
Cache | A simple cache object, which holds at most n references. |
ClassPathChecker | Verifies wether or not all the entries in classpath are available |
ClassPathIterator | An iterator over a classpath declaration. |
CommandRunner | A class to run a command in a separate thread, monitor its progress via a monitor window and being notified of its completion, exit status, and elasped time. |
CommandRunner.Adapter | An helper class which implements all the methods in the
CommandRunner.Listener interface in an
empty way. |
CommandRunner.StdOutAdapter | |
DatabaseResourceBundle | A resource bundle which reads resources from a database. |
DirectoryFileFilter | A FileFilter to filter in or out directories. |
DynamicClassLoader | A classloader whose classpath can be set dynamically. |
EnvironmentVariables | An helper class to handle environment variables when they're present on the underlying operating system. |
ExtensionFileFilter | A simple FileFilter based on file extensions. |
ExtensionFilenameFilter | A simple FilenameFilter based on file extensions. |
FieldResolver | Finds a field thru the inheritance hierarchy of the class |
ForEach | Execute the same action for each object in a collection, optionally filtering the objects by the given filter.
HTMLAnchorIterator | A class to efficiently parse and find anchors in an HTML stream. |
IndentedPrintWriter | A PrintWriter which indents each line of text with a given character. |
JustifierWriter | A Writer to justify text. |
LineSet | An ordered set of Strings, to which filters can be applied |
LineSet.BaseFilter | |
LineSet.ConstantFilter | A constant filter, which always matches or not matches |
LineSet.ContainsStringFilter | A Filter which matches lines containing one or more substring. |
ListEnumeration | An Enumeration for a java.util.List object. |
ListMapIterator | An iterator to go thru a Map of Lists, using a specific key list for deciding how to access the sublists. |
NullIterator | An iterator which has no elements. |
ObjectDescriptor | This object exposes methods which use bean introspection to print out descriptions of objects using a resource bundle. |
ObjectLister | A class to list the elements of an array or a collection/enumeration into a string, each element divided by a separtor, by invoking either the toString() method or a given method with no parameters (and returning a String). |
ObjectPropertyManager | This class allows to set and retrieve properties, by name, by any object using introspection and JavaBeans conventions. |
PathNormalizer | An utility class to compute normalized paths (i.e. paths that do not contain neither "." nor "..") |
PrefixPrintWriter | A PrintWriter that unconditionally prefixes any new line of output with a given prefix. |
PrefixPrintWriter.DirectoryPrefixProvider | A prefix provider to show the current directory as a prefix. |
PropertiesString | |
PushbackReader | A reader that allows to push back an arbitrary number of characters. |
QuoteAwareStringTokenizer | A StringTokenizer-compatible class which takes quotes into account. |
QuoteAwareStringTokenizerTest | |
RotationalCharBuffer | A rotational character buffer. |
SequentialUniqueIdGenerator | An unique id generator which creates ids unique across different JVMs and sequential. |
SimpleClassPackageExplorer | A package explorer implementation. |
SimpleClassPackageExplorer.PackageExplorationAdapter | An empty implementation of PackageExplorationListener . |
SimpleObjectWithIdMetadata | |
SqlIdIterator | An IdIterator based on an SQL statement
executed over a given Connection. |
StackTraceLineSet | A special lineset with services for exception stack traces. |
StringFinder | To change this generated comment edit the template variable "typecomment": Window>Preferences>Java>Templates. |
SymbolTable | A symbol table. |
TelnetInputStream | A stream to handle telnet-based communication. |
TelnetInputStream.BasicNVTListener | A standard TelnetInputStream.TelnetCommandListener that refuses
any option and suggestions, limiting the functionality to the basic
Telnet NVT (network virtual terminal) functionality. |
TelnetInputStreamConsumer | This class wraps over a TelnetInputStream to provide
stream consumption capabilities.
TelnetInputStreamConsumer.AndCriterium | A criterium which holds if all its composing criteria hold. |
TelnetInputStreamConsumer.CompositeCriterium | An abstract criterium based on other criteria. |
TelnetInputStreamConsumer.ContainsStringCriterium | A criterium which holds if a certain string is found in the input. |
TelnetInputStreamConsumer.NoMoreInputAvailableCriterium | A criterium which holds if no more input is available within a certain amount of time (i.e. we can suppose that the host has nothing more to say). |
TelnetInputStreamConsumer.OrCriterium | A criterium which holds if one of its composing criteria hold. |
TelnetInputStreamConsumer.PatternBasedCriterium | A criterium based on regular expression matching. |
TelnetInputStreamConsumer.StringEndBasedCriterium | A criterium which holds if a certain string is found at the end of the input. |
TelnetNVTChannel | A telnet input stream to implement a Telnet NVT (Network Virtual Terminal) communication over a couple of paired input and output streams. |
TextProgressBar | NOT FUNCTIONAL YET To change this generated comment edit the template variable "typecomment": Window>Preferences>Java>Templates. |
ThreadBlockRunner | Runs a block of threads within an array, with a maximum number of concurrent threads, and returning only when all the threads in the block have finished. |
ThreadBlockRunnerTest | |
TieOutputStream | An OutputStream which ties output to two underlying streams. |
TieWriter | An Writer which ties output to two underlying streams. |
TypeWrapper | An helper class to automatically wrap primitive types into their corresponding object types. |
UniqueIdGenerator | A generator of IDs unique even across different machines. |
UnixLoginHandler | This class handles typical Unix shell login sequences via telnet. |
VersionImpl | A simple implementation of Version . |
Exception Summary | |
Broadcaster.BroadcastingException | |
ObjectPropertyManager.NoSuchPropertyException | An exception thrown when the ObjectPropertyManager cannot
find a property in a bean. |
OperationTimedoutException | |
SequentialUniqueIdGenerator.IdStorage.IdStorageException | |
UnixLoginHandler.LoginIncorrectException | A class to signal an incorrect login by an UnixLoginHandler . |
New generic utilities package. Most non overly specific utilities live here.