Telnet client library © Copyright 2004, 2005 dr. Cristiano Sadun under LGPL |
1. Purpose
This library allows easy handling of programmatic telnet conversations in the Java™ programming language, i.e. situations where the only (or preferred) interface to a system consists of a set of shell commands to be executed after a successful login via telnet.
This library is not a graphical telnet client. There are many Java™ GUI clients for telnet out there, so there is no need for another one.
2. Packaging
The library is a part of my Utility classes and doesn't come in a separate package. However, the main classes are the following :
and any dependent classes can be easily extracted by using pack or simply downloading the source from CVS.
3. Quick start
The high level idea of a command based conversation implies three phases:
A specific sequence (or lack thereof) is used to identify successful from unsuccessful logins - typically, something similar to "login incorrect".
Commands are issued on the output stream for the connection, and responsed are interpreted by consuming the input looking for particular conditions - typically dependent from the specific application which is accessed via telnet.
A log-out command is send on the telnet stream - usually "logout" or "exit".
// Create a socket to the host Socket s = new Socket(telnetHost, 23); // Create a UnixLoginHandler object over the socket to login to the hostIn order to carry on the conversation, a command is issued by simply sending it on the socket's outputstream (and using the telnet newline sequence \r\n):UnixLoginHandler
handler = newUnixLoginHandler
UnixLoginHandler(s); // Create a TelnetInputStreamConsumer object over the socket by logging in to the hostTelnetInputStreamConsumer
is = handler.doLogin
String command="print hello"; // an imaginary "print" command available on the telnet interface PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(s.getOutputStream()), true); pw.print(command+"\r\n");
If the session appears to hang after login, avoid to wrap the StreamWriter into a PrintWriter and instead run an explicit flush() at the end:
Writer w = new OutputStreamWriter(s.getOutputStream()); w.print(command+"\r\n"); w.flush();
Usually, a command is expected to answer with a certain result and or within a certain timeout. TelnetInputStreamConsumer offers methods that directly implement some interpretation strategies (consumeInput(long) for consuming all input within a timeout, consumeInput(java.util.regex.Pattern) for consuming input until a regular expression is matched, etc).
The most flexible way to define an interpretation strategy is by instantiating one or more criteria to define whether or not a certain command has been successful or has failed, combine them together by using a composite criterium (or any other of the predefined criterium classes) if necessary and use consumeByCriteria to consume input until a criterium is met.
For example:
// Create the success/failure criteria and make a composite one TelnetInputStreamConsumer.Criterium success = new TelnetInputStreamConsumer.ContainsStringCriterium("print ok"); TelnetInputStreamConsumer.Criterium failure = new TelnetInputStreamConsumer.ContainsStringCriterium("ERROR"); TelnetInputStreamConsumer.CompositeCriterium expectedResults = new TelnetInputStreamConsumer.OrCriterium( new TelnetInputStreamConsumer.Criterium[] { success, failure } ); is.setConsumptionOperationsTimeout(10000); // We set a timeout of 10 secs anyway, in case the host blocks is.consumeByCriteria(expectedResults); // The actual output from the telnet host is returned here, so if necessary // it can be saved to be used later if (expectedResults.getHoldingCriterium() == success) { ..everything ok... } else { ..error... }Once done with the conversation, the logout operation is performed by
handler.doLogout(); // Use the default logout sequencewhich also closes the socket.
4. More details
More details on the specifics can be found directly in the javadoc documentation of the classes. Specifically, there are methods to alter how the login/logout sequences are performed, details on exceptions raised by the various methods etc.